LD41 Jam submission

WASD to move, left click to shoot, alt+F4 to close

Win the game by conquering all 4 shrines, "destroy" the shrines by shooting at the center of them (quite a bit). You'll know that the shrine is "broken" when it stops spawning enemies. Kill all the enemies and wait for the shrine to become yours, (just remember to stand near the center) - you'll know it's yours once it starts spawning allies.

Chose (or more like they turned out to be) Hack'n'slash x Walking simulator for my themes.

Almost everything was made during the jam, except for a few scripts which I borrowed from my other projects.

Tools used: Unity, Blender, Gimp, Audacity

Mostly soloed this game jam, except for the background music which was made by my brother.

Cheers! :)


LD41_WhispersFromTheSoul.zip 38 MB

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